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HFHTX Names Kenny Couch Affiliate Volunteer of the Year

Updated: Sep 27, 2019

Waco, Texas, August 12, 2019– Habitat for Humanity Texas named the Fayette

County Habitat for Humanity leader, Kenny Couch, as its Roland Walden Affiliate

Volunteer of the Year at an awards ceremony held during Habitat’s annual


“Kenny Couch stepped up in a major way to serve the people of his community after

Hurricane Harvey,” said Habitat for Humanity Texas Executive Director, Amy

Ledbetter Parham. “Not only that, Kenny saw that the need across the disaster area

and began to work in the legislature to build support in the Texas Legislature for aid

to reach all parts of the recovery area. He went above and beyond, and all of Texas

was made better.”

The Roland Walden Award goes to a volunteer who demonstrates exceptional

commitment to their community, but also goes the extra mile for Texans across the

state. Recipients are chosen by board members from the Habitat for Humanity state

office in Texas.

Habitat for Humanity offers a hand up, not a hand out, as volunteers and

homebuyers work together to build new homes and repair homes for those unable

otherwise to get the support they need. The price of the homes is based on the

homeowner’s ability to pay a mortgage, and they and Habitat volunteers pitch in to

help build it. Donations are used to help Habitat build homes even faster as the need

is great.

Habitat for Humanity Texas empowers the state’s 68 Habitat for Humanity affiliates

by providing advocacy, disaster services, resource development, and training and

technical assistance. Its annual conference known as the Lone Star Summit teaches

more Habitat leaders from Texas than any other event. It features speakers and

workshops, plus exhibitors and a trade show.

About Habitat for Humanity Texas

Habitat for Humanity affiliates do not giveaway homes, they empower and

strengthen communities by building simple, decent, affordable housing for low-

income families and individuals. Through volunteer labor and donations of money

and materials, Habitat affiliates finance affordable loans at no profit and sell to

partner families selected through nondiscriminatory policies. Habitat homeowners

invest hundreds of hours of their own labor into building their Habitat house and

the houses of others. Habitat for Humanity Texas is a 501(c)3 organization helping

Texas’s 68 affiliates to serve more families and individuals in need by providing

assistance with advocacy, resource development, training and technical

assistance, and disaster preparedness and support. To learn more about Habitat

for Humanity Texas, visit

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