By: Staff

Family Selections Begins for Fayette County Habitat
Fayette County Habitat for Humanity, an organization based on Christian
principles, announces the beginning of their family selection process. A partner family
will be selected for a new home that will be built in the Hope Hill subdivision in La
To qualify for the purchase of a Fayette County Habitat home you must be a U.S.
citizen; have lived in Fayette County, Texas for the last twelve months; have the ability to
pay $1,500.00 down payment; have the ability to pay the no-interest mortgage on the
house to be built; and your annual gross income must fall within the 30% to 60% limits
of the HUD 2022 income guidelines for Fayette County based on your family size. You
must also be in need of adequate housing, and be willing to partner by working at least
300 hours, attending education workshops, and more.
If you or someone you know is interested and qualify based on this information,
join us September 19, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. for an information meeting and orientation at
Crosspoint Community Church, 1010 N. Von Minden St., La Grange, Room 130.
Applications will be distributed at the meeting and will be available in English and
Spanish. For more information visit Equal Housing